В свободное время помимо того, чтобы писать я пытаюсь их же и переводить. Так что я буду стараться постить те же стихи сразу и на английском тоже. Перевод не дословный, больше литературный. Например вчерашнее: Our Daily Meeting(or Russian Subway) Enormous room, there is the crowd, the huddle. The stream of men is flowing straight ahead. With tiny steps, in dance, avoiding trouble, They go onward, like ice sheet in the melt. You're standing there, the rock between the waters, You look ahead, like captain through the glass. And i'm going. Flowing through the throttle, Not carrying much, as always caring less. It happened then, our eyes did meet each other. And moustached mouth birthed this heavy words: "Good Morning, friend! I do not want to bother, Please step inside this small inspection box" I nod agreement. Again. He burst my bubble. I will not budge next time, I'll be prepared, "friend"! Enormous room, there is the crowd, the huddle. The stream of men is flowing straight ahead. #poems #стихи #literarytranslation

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